Here’s part 2 of my series giving you tips for going to a Kpop concert! If you missed the first part you can read it here
So now you’ve decided the type of ticket you want! How do you prepare for the day when tickets go on sale? Here are my Kpop concert tips…
- Usually the official sponsors will announce the time and date. So when you have it, set a reminder for yourself! Phone, post it, tattoo on your forehead-, whatever will make you remember. DO IT!
- Sometimes there will be special presale where you can get the tickets earlier the other fans. For example in the UK, we have O2 priority! If you’re an O2 customer then you can get tickets on presale sometimes a day earlier. I think it can be a bit of a gamble because obviously the presale will only have a certain amount of seats allocated to them. They may not necessarily be the best seats! (but if you’re standing there’s no problem).
- Most people will book their tickets online. I would advise visiting the website much earlier to test if it is compatible with your browser because on the day of the sales, that website will experience a serious amount of traffic! If your browser times out, shuts down suddenly, the payment form just won’t work properly on the day – it can be very frustrating!
- You want the process of ticket buying to be as smooth and quick as possible! Make sure you’ve opened up an account with the official ticket website prior to ticket sales. If you can, input your payment details and save it! Then when you buy the tickets, it’s just one click and it’s done. Otherwise the websites will only give you a certain amount of time for you to input your payment details. It can time out on you and you can loose whatever seats you had selected if you take took long!
- Sometimes it pays to check the official ticket website much earlier than the time they officially announce! I managed to get GD tickets much earlier, at least a good 7 hours before even the presale in Malaysia! This was because I was checking if my browser was compatible with the ticket website (so preparation is everything!). I also got Bigbang tickets for their second date in the UK, maybe half an hour earlier because I was refreshing the page every now and again.
- What happens if the tickets get sold out? Don’t worry – it’s not impossible to get a ticket. There is always someone somewhere who will be selling! Check twitter, facebook and ebay. Obviously do be careful and be sure it is not a scam! If at all possible, buy the ticket at original price! (I don’t think it is very fair when ‘fans’ sell their tickets for higher prices.)
Read part 3 here!